這是我自定的 vimrc 內容。
備份用。不知道 VIM 是什麼東西的可以跳過。 :p

" Begin with my personal settings!!
" === 1. Don't wrap if the text is too long!
set nowrap
" === 2. Always use spaces instead of Tabs.
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
" === 3. Yes! I'm a C programmer!!
set cindent
" === 3. Highlights in searching is anoying...
set nohlsearch
" === 4. Let the screen looks nicer!
colorscheme darkblue
" 5. No backups, thank you. I know what I'm doing!
set nobackup
" That's it!!


[2010/11/17 補充]

  • Windows 版的 VIM 存放 vimrc 的地方在:
    1. $HOME_vimrc
    2. $VIMHOME_vimrc

    也可以直接在 VIM 裡用 :e $MYVIMRC 開啟

  • 另外幾個可以考慮的選項:
    1. syntax on
    2. lan[guage] en

By closer