So clear, so transparent, just like an angel....although I know she's just a devil in disguise.


There is a novel lying by my pillow. It's the 2nd volume of a 3-volume novel. Sometimes, before sleeping, I read that novel to help me to get into sleep.

Everytime, after reading several pages, I can't stop asking myself: how does she feel when reading these words? Why does she like them? How many times has she read?

Then, all in a sudden, an illusion appears. I see her, lying by a window, under the sun shine, reading a book, so peacefully. It seems that nothing, no one can disturb her. So clear, so transparent, just like an angel....although I know she's just a devil in disguise.

I've told myself a thousand times that I have to give her up, no
matter how hard it is. I think I need time, after all she did
occupy somewhere for a long time.

I close the novel because I can't concentrate. Well, I'll try to finish it, maybe next time.

By closer

One thought on “I just can’t finish that novel….”
  1. 我的枕邊有一本小說。這本小說是某部三冊一套的小說中的第二冊。有時候,在睡前, 我會稍微讀一點,幫助睡眠。
    每當我翻了幾頁之後,我就會忍不住想到一些事情:當她讀到這些文字的時候,心裡在 想些什麼呢?她是喜歡其中的哪些地方呢?這本小說她讀了幾遍呢?
    然後,突然間,我的腦中浮現了她的樣子。她隨性地半臥在窗旁,專心地讀著手中的那 本小說。陽光灑在她的身上,看起來是如此地詳和。似乎沒有任何事、沒有任何人能夠 打擾她。如此清澈,如此透明,就像是天使一般….雖然我很清楚,她只是個戴著面具 的惡魔。
    我已經告訴我自己不下千百次:即使多麼的捨不得,我還是得放棄她。我想我需要更多 的時間,尤其是她曾經在一段不算短的日子裡,實實在在地占領我心中的一塊空間。
    我閤上手中的小說,因為我已經沒辦法專心了。嗯,我會把這本小說讀完的,也許是下 一次。
