3 月 2005


唔....接下了某個產品的 Project Leader。
這個 PL 呢,根據前人的經驗來看,是個事多、責任重但地位和薪水沒有增加的任務性職務。名稱看起來蠻稱頭的,但事實上是個人人避之惟恐不及的工作。

《登峰造擊 (Million Dollar Baby)》


©Copyright Warner Brothers


打從知道這部電影要上映開始,我就下定決心一定要去看這部片子。並不是我獨具慧眼,知道它特別感人、特別好看、還成為今年奧斯卡獎的大贏家;老實說,我會注意這部片單純只是因為:它是克林伊斯威特 (Clint Eastwood) 的電影。雖然伊斯威特所導、所演的電影不是每部都好看,但整體來說,還蠻合我的胃口的。我尤其欣賞他和摩根富里曼 (Morgan Freeman) 兩位老演員的演技,內斂不誇張,只要一個眼神、一個小動作,就可以勝過千言萬語。看老牌演員的表演就是一種享受。


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Dream of Her

I made a dream, a dream about her.
I walked out of a resterant, after a business conversation. A girl past by, with short hair and a pair of clever eyes.
"That's her!" I suddenly found. I didn't know if she had noticed me, but I bet that she had seen me.
When she almost disapeared in the conner, "Hazel!" I shouted out.
She noticed me then turned and walked toward me. She hanged out just like wanting to give me a hug. As a result, I opened my arms, trying to hug her back.
"Hey! Don't misunderstand! That's not what I mean," she said. "I'm just showing what's on my fingures."
Well, I saw a ring, a golden ring was on her right hand.
"Ah, got married?" I asked. She smiled, without answering.
"How about you?" she asked. "Well,still looking for my Miss Right."
Then we had a short conversation on the sidewalk, just like two long lost friends. (In fact, we are) We talked about our jobs, and exchanged business cards.
"Hmm," I said. "I have something urgent to do right now. Calls me if you want."
"OK. Good bye."
Ya....it's time to say good bye.
Good bye.




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